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Victorious Parenting

Feb 26, 2023

It is past time to have a very frank conversation with your children. When they tell you "no one is going to tell me what to do" you need to have the conversation in this podcast with them! Someone will ALWAYS be telling them what to do. The only question is "who".

Feb 19, 2023

A great miraculous story of persistancy and consistancy over more than 20 years but this lady's son finally trusted Christ proving He is still in the miracle business.

Feb 15, 2023

As a parent you have to totally control what you allow in your home.

Feb 5, 2023

How can you, as a parent, combat the attacks Satan in leveling at your children whether CRT, racism or transgenderism? Today I will share with you God's plan for teaching your children about the only two genders---male and female---AND preparing them for the God given---God ordained roles He has for their lives!